Your Path to Healing Starts Here.

Get the Answers You Need to Understand What’s Happening In Your Body, Make Empowered Decisions About Your Health, & Get On Track to Feeling ‘At Home’ In Your Body Again.

Not sure what your next step should be? Feeling healthy & whole again starts with understanding exactly what’s going on inside your body.

Uncover what’s really behind your most problematic symptoms with one of my go-to labs. These tests will give you the foundational information needed to develop a plan for healing.

Taking the Guesswork Out of Good Health

How Our Integrative Health Lab Testing Works

You don’t have to go this alone anymore. When you order one of our Taylor-approved Integrative Health Lab Test Kits, our practitioners are with you every step of the way. Here’s how it works:

Select Your Test

Using the information provided below, select the test that aligns best with your symptoms. Not sure where to start? Contact us here for a recommendation.

Assessment & Review

Once we’ve received your test, our Integrative Health Practitioners will assess your results. Our team will first review your case during our weekly Roundtable Discussions, to ensure that you receive a comprehensive explanation of your results and exactly what they might mean for you. We’ll meet with you on a 1:1 call to review all the information, so you can confidently understand what changes you may need to make to improve your health.

Private Wellness Consultation

During your 1:1 call, your Integrative Health Practitioner will assess your symptoms and ask you more questions to learn about your motivations for ordering this lab test. She’ll answer any questions you may have and provide you with an opportunity to walk away with a personalized health plan, which may include:

  • A supplementation plan
  • Dietary guidance
  • Sleep guidelines
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Detox regimens
  • Lifestyle changes


“Need to send big love to the team at Taylored Wellbeing. I did testing [a few months ago] to find out why my DUTCH test was so dismal. I had high stress and was producing dismal amounts of both estrogen and progesterone, even with scaling back training and work stress. I was also experiencing a lot of bloating, pain after eating, and lots of gas.

I’m almost through my second protocol with Taylor now, and my digestive response is normal. My cycles are back and very mild. I’m not waking up in the middle of the night (even to pee), and even with a ridiculous amount of travel, things are moving.

If you’re having similar issues, I suggest reaching out to Taylor!”

-Em D.

Which Test Is Right For You?

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

About this Test

Minerals provide you with the energy to get through a busy day & buffer the effects of stress. We need minerals like potassium, magnesium, and sodium to function optimally.

When our minerals become low or out of balance, our whole-body health can be impacted. On a day-to-day basis, mineral imbalance can cause us to become tired more easily; from a more long-term perspective, mineral imbalance can be an indication of more serious medical issues later in life.

This test requires a small hair sample & provides a 90-day snapshot of the minerals your body is expelling through your hair (and thus creating a deficiency).


  • Whether you’re experiencing a deficiency of any vital minerals—and if so, which ones
  • Insights into heavy metals your body is carrying, and how these might be impacting your overall health
  • Critical information about your body’s metabolic adaptability


When my clients tell me they’re dealing with higher-than-normal rates of stress, exhaustion, anxiety, or overwhelm, the HTMA is the first test we reach for. This lab is an ideal starting point for individuals experiencing:

  • High Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Overwhelm
  • Learning Disabilities (Children)
  • Mood disturbances
  • Highs/Low in energy
  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Tingling/numbness

Test Kit + Consultation: $315

Organic Acids Test

About this Test

Abnormally high levels of microorganisms like intestinal yeast and bacteria can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue, and immune function. High or unbalanced levels of microorganisms can cause symptoms related to immune function and fatigue. They may also impact existing disorders related to behavior and neurological function. Heightened levels can be caused by a wide range of factors including oral antibiotics, high-sugar diets, immune deficiencies, acquired infections, or genetic factors.

The Organic Acids Test (OAT) requires a urine sample & offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health, with 76 unique markers. It provides an accurate evaluation intestinal yeast and bacteria, so you can determine whether these microorganisms may be contributing to your symptoms.

The OAT also includes markers for vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, and neurotransmitter levels. This is also the only OAT to include markers for oxalates, which have been shown to correlate with many chronic illnesses.


  • Determine whether harmful microorganisms like intestinal yeast and bacteria are present in your system
  • Obtain deeper insights into your vitamin and mineral levels and learn whether you have any key deficiencies
  • Learn whether you’re deficient in energy mitochondria producers, neurotransmitter metabolites, detoxifiers and more


The OAT is a test for those who want a deeper, more detailed analysis of the major factors that may be impacting their health. This test is a great starting point to uncover the root cause behind why you’re not feeling your best. We recommend this test for people who are suffering with:

Digestive Issues

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Acid Reflux
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood Irregularities
  • Immune Dysfunction

Test Kit + Consultation: $515

***Test Kit Couplet Special***

Foundational Health Analysis

Get a Comprehensive Look at Your Entire Foundational Health Profile By Pairing Both the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis & Organic Acids Test

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • Find out whether you’re deficient in any vital minerals
  • Learn whether your body is holding onto any heavy metals
  • Uncover critical information about your body’s metabolic adaptability

Organic Acids Test

  • Find out whether your body contains abnormally high levels of intestinal yeast and bacteria
  • Learn whether you may be deficient in important detoxifiers & neurotransmitters
  • Uncover the root cause behind most major symptoms, with 76 unique markers for vitamins, minerals, and more

Test Kit + Consultation: $915


“I’ve had some ongoing issues with some neuropathy, gut issues, and really bad episodes of vertigo. I’ve been dealing with this for 6-8 years, and I was at my breaking point… I was almost frantic, at that rock bottom place.

I can’t even begin to describe this change. I feel like I’ve come back home to myself… She gave me the most beautiful invitation to look at other things in my life that were contributing to these issues.”

—Jen F.

Adrenal, Thyroid, Hormone Test

About this Test

Adrenal, thyroid, and hormone issues are the crux of many of the most common health issues women experience. From depleted moods, to slow metabolism, to decreased libido—if you’re dealing with any type of lowered mood or struggling to lose weight, it may be time to get this test.

This simple saliva and finger-prick style test measures you thyroid levels, adrenal output, and hormonal levels to determine whether imbalance in one of these key areas could be behind your symptoms.


  • Whether you may be dealing with hypo- or hyper-thyroidism.
  • Whether adrenal imbalance could be contributing to your fatigue, body aches, weight fluctuations, and more.
  • Whether your hormones are balanced appropriately


This test is best suited for people who are dealing with symptoms related to energy, mood, and weight. We recommend this test for those dealing with:

Low Energy

  • Low Mood
  • Low Libido
  • Weight Gain
  • Puffiness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Brain Fog
  • Thinning or Brittle Hair

Test Kit + Consultation: $495

MyCoTox Profile

About this Test

Mycotoxins are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and food. Mycotoxin exposure can come through food, ingestion, or airborne exposure.

Mycotoxicity is one of the most frequent causes of “mystery symptoms.” From congestion, to brain fog, to bloating, the list of ways mycotoxins can negatively affect our health is substantial.

This MyCoTox Profile is a simple urine test that can detect toxins that have been linked to liver, kidney, and nervous system dysfunction, as well as infections of the skin, lungs, and more.


  • The potential root cause behind “mystery symptoms” that many traditional health professionals dismiss
  • Whether your system may be impacted by mycotoxins
  • Whether mycotoxins could be to blame for your chronic health issues


Mycotoxicity is a contributor to many diverse, seemingly unrelated symptoms. We recommend this test if you’re dealing with any of the following:

  • Sinus Congestion
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Dark Circles Under Eyes
  • Brain Fog
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Poor Sleep
  • Headaches
  • Low Energy
  • Low Mood
  • Frequent Illnesses
  • Multiple Sensitivities

Test Kit + Consultation: $515

Need Support Choosing the Right Test to Get Started?

Contact Us Here For Additional Guidance.

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